Advent Services

If you (and your spouse, family members or a friend) are interested in reading at one of the Advent Services & lighting the candles this year and you attend FUMC Galax, please contact the church office at 276-236-9937.

We are looking for someone or a family for the early service and the 11:00 service on each of the following dates:

November 29, 2015
December 6, 2015
December 13, 2015
December 20, 2016

We also need a someone or a family for the Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Service.

Have a Happy Holiday Season!

Annual Birthday Dinner


Just a note to remind everyone that we will be taking Poinsettia orders beginning November 1st. The cost this year will be $20.00 – so watch your bulletin. All orders, with payment, must be turned in by NOVEMBER 15th .


Help our YOUTH and buy an FUMC Christmas Tree Ornament

$3.00 for one OR two for $5.00

(available in the Annex area – honor system)

God’s Storehouse Soup Kitchen

Provides meals three times a week serving 450-500 people each week. They are in need of the following items:
Gallon-size vegetables (green beans, corn, pinto beans, applesauce, fruit cocktail, pudding), canned meat, Crisco oil for cooking, hefty divided plates, ziplock bags, and disposable gloves
They will be providing 400 Thanksgiving Dinners to families (100 more than last year). Items needed for a Thanksgiving Dinner Box:
Cranberry Sauce, Stovetop Stuffing, Corn, Scalloped Potatoes and/or a $10.00 donation to buy a Turkey.
Donations can be brought to Ed Hanks (Ameriprise) Office at 115 North Monroe St., Monday-Friday (8am-5pm) until close of day on Friday, November 13th or Rooftop building (basement) any day (except Wednesday) the week of Nov. 9th between 3-6pm.

UMW News

Many thanks to all who participated in and supported our UMW Sunday. This is always a big day in the life of our unit. Our next big project is the Angel Tree. We hope to have the tree up sometime during the first week in November. That will give you almost a month to shop for your “Angel”. We would like all the gifts back no later than Sunday, November 29th. We will distribute the gifts the first three days of that week. Thanks in advance for your help with this project. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 10th. Ruth Sizemore is in charge of the program. We will have more information closer to the day.

Peggy Chappell, UMW President

Anytime Is The Time For Salvation


“The harvest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved.” [Jeremiah 8:20 N.R.S.V.]

I confess I do not like Autumn! I will admit the colors of the leaves are beautiful, the days are often bright and crisp, and the sky clearer than any other time of the year. Still I know that when Autumn comes, Winter cannot be far behind! As the days get shorter and shorter, daylight becomes less and less, and I get more and more depressed. Aches and pains that are not noticeable in warmer times cry out for attention and remedy when the weather gets cold. Spiritually I find myself wanting to go into hibernation until Spring comes as if God is only with us in warm weather.

This seems to be what the prophet Jeremiah was saying in the verse quoted above. Spring and Summer were the times when armies went forth to battle. When the harvest was past, the time for fighting was ended. The armies of Babylon had lain seize to Jerusalem. The leaders of Judah, both the priests and the king’s advisors, believed that God would fight on their side. They remembered when the Assyrian army threatened Jerusalem after the fall of the Northern Kingdom in 721 B.C. Just when it seemed that the city would be defeated, the Assyrians withdrew. The city was saved. They believed that God had saved them.

So when faced with this threat from Babylon they simply waited for God to save them once again. Great hopes were there when Spring came. Surely during the season of battles God would defeat their enemy and drive that army away from Jerusalem. It did not happen! Now the time of fighting was over. The harvest is past and Summer ended and they were not saved. They must have faced Autumn and the coming of Winter with the same depression I do! And we both are wrong!

For you see God is not just with us during the Spring and Summer, rather God is with us all the time. Anytime is the time for salvation! So if you have never accepted God’s love for yourself, if you have never publicly professed your faith, if you are not saved, you do not have to wait! Often we think that salvation can only come during a Confirmation Class or time of Revival; but anytime is the time for salvation. Why don’t you invite Jesus into your heart today?


Also, please take the time to remember that God is still with us during Autumn and Winter as well as in the Spring and Summer.
