Pancake Supper – February 13th
Everyone Welcome

this Tuesday, February 13th from 5-7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome
Eleven youth, five adults and one younger sibling with ties to FUMC attended Resurrection 2019 together in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 25th thru 27th. Everyone attended four worship services that featured music from I Am They, a contemporary Christian band, and a message from Jorge Acevedo on grace.
There was also time for fellowship within the group with meals together and gatherings each night for snacks, worship follow-up and prayer. Our take away from Rev. Acevedo: “At every stage, in every age, from the cradle to the grave, God’s grace follows you.”
This year the Christmas poinsettias that decorate the church will be red and the cost is $22.00 each. For anyone interested in purchasing one in honor or memory of a loved one, please place your order as soon as possible and no later than December 5th. Order forms will be placed in the bulletin and in December’s issue of the Vine. Or, you can mail or drop your order by the church office at 306 West Center Street, Galax, VA 24333. Please include the name of the person/people your are honoring or remembering.
Our next UMW meeting will be held November 13th at 10:00 a.m. Barbara and Elaine have the program. Lunch plans will be announced closer to the meeting date. Plans are going forward to put the Angel Tree up November 20th with gifts due back December 10th. More on that later. The Cookie Walk is scheduled for December 8th in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you then, we’ll have lots of cookies for the holidays. They make great gifts.
Life Line Screening is once again holding their event at our Church on Monday, November 5, 2018.
Pre-registration is required.
If you are interested, please contact them directly at (888) 653-6450 for an appointment.
The Church office can provide you with further details.
Thanks from the Mission Committee for the support you have given to our projects so far this year. We are continuing our help to God’s Storehouse Soup Kitchen during the month of September. Their most pressing need is for to go containers for the 45+ dinners they deliver several times a week to the elderly shut-ins. If you would like to purchase a box of containers for them the church office will be happy to order them for you for a cost of less than $25. God’s Storehouse also needs hygiene supplies such as shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, lotion, soap, etc. Monetary donations would also be appreciated as they buy gas for those who deliver the meals to the shut-ins. Our drive will begin the second Sunday in September and continue throughout the month. Thanks in advance for your help.
The next meeting of the UMW will be September 11th . We will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. and travel to Fries. Weather permitting, we will spend time by the river and have lunch at The Cafe. We will be making plans for the Fall District Meeting which will be at FUMC on October 20. Judy Farmer is in charge of the program. On September 14th seven members of our unit will be traveling to Kingsport, TN for the Conference Fall Meeting. If anyone else would like to go there is still time to register.
As Chair of the Board of Trustees, I would like to update the congregation on the work that has been taking place on the picnic shelter and the interior of Parsonage #1.
The picnic shelter has new siding, new wiring, additional lighting, new switches and outlets, as well as new support beams and trusses. That finishes up the work we started previously when we rebuilt the brick grill, added a new cooking surface and charcoal pan, and replaced the roof shingles. I hope the church can get another 80+ years of use out of it!
Work on Parsonage #1 has taken longer than planned due to the fact that we were unable to get inside the residence when we were supposed to, plus the fact that there have been a couple of unexpected contractor delays. That aside, much progress has been achieved.
The interior of the residence has been painted, the wall-to-wall carpet has been removed, and the hard wood floors have been refinished and sealed.
Further, new water tight flooring was installed in the kitchen and bathrooms, both toilets and a sink were replaced, three ceiling lights were replaced, two ceiling fans were replaced, four window air conditioners were added, the front and rear porch lights were replaced, and the kitchen is being completely renovated.
Aside from fresh paint and a new floor, the kitchen has new oak cabinets and hardware, granite countertops, tile backsplash, a new sink and fixtures, new GE appliances, a garbage disposal, and new over-the-sink lighting.
Unfortunately, this room is not yet complete, but we’re very close to that point. We have no influence over those delays that are out of our control, but we know that all will be well in the end. The work to the pastor’s residence will be completed soon and it will be a source of pride for all of us.
I want the congregation to know that Mark and Glenna McFadden have been wonderful during this renovation process and I thank them again for their patience.
Bill Brannon, Chair
Board of Trustees
The UMW will not meet in June due to Annual Conference. We will be having our annual UMW Sunday on June 24. Morgan Tompkins will be speaking to us about the Mission Trip she went on to Houston, Texas in March. We hope you will all come for our 10:30 worship service and hear about Morgan’s experiences on the trip. Our next meeting will be on July 10th at 10:00 a.m. We will begin making plans for the Fall Annual UMW meeting which will be held at FUMC, Galax on October 20, 2018.
UMW President, Peggy Chappell
Galax First United
Methodist Church
306 West Center Street
Galax, VA 24333
(Get Directions)
Phone: 276-236-9937
Sunday Services:
10:30 am