Mission Committee Update 2018


Thanks from the Mission Committee for the support you have given to our projects so far this year. We are continuing our help to God’s Storehouse Soup Kitchen during the month of September. Their most pressing need is for to go containers for the 45+ dinners they deliver several times a week to the elderly shut-ins. If you would like to purchase a box of containers for them the church office will be happy to order them for you for a cost of less than $25. God’s Storehouse also needs hygiene supplies such as shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, lotion, soap, etc. Monetary donations would also be appreciated as they buy gas for those who deliver the meals to the shut-ins. Our drive will begin the second Sunday in September and continue throughout the month. Thanks in advance for your help.

UMW News September 2018

The next meeting of the UMW will be September 11th . We will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. and travel to Fries. Weather permitting, we will spend time by the river and have lunch at The Cafe. We will be making plans for the Fall District Meeting which will be at FUMC on October 20. Judy Farmer is in charge of the program. On September 14th seven members of our unit will be traveling to Kingsport, TN for the Conference Fall Meeting. If anyone else would like to go there is still time to register.