Pancake Supper – February 13th
Everyone Welcome

this Tuesday, February 13th from 5-7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome
Our next UMW meeting will be held November 13th at 10:00 a.m. Barbara and Elaine have the program. Lunch plans will be announced closer to the meeting date. Plans are going forward to put the Angel Tree up November 20th with gifts due back December 10th. More on that later. The Cookie Walk is scheduled for December 8th in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you then, we’ll have lots of cookies for the holidays. They make great gifts.
The next meeting of the UMW will be September 11th . We will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. and travel to Fries. Weather permitting, we will spend time by the river and have lunch at The Cafe. We will be making plans for the Fall District Meeting which will be at FUMC on October 20. Judy Farmer is in charge of the program. On September 14th seven members of our unit will be traveling to Kingsport, TN for the Conference Fall Meeting. If anyone else would like to go there is still time to register.
The UMW will not meet in June due to Annual Conference. We will be having our annual UMW Sunday on June 24. Morgan Tompkins will be speaking to us about the Mission Trip she went on to Houston, Texas in March. We hope you will all come for our 10:30 worship service and hear about Morgan’s experiences on the trip. Our next meeting will be on July 10th at 10:00 a.m. We will begin making plans for the Fall Annual UMW meeting which will be held at FUMC, Galax on October 20, 2018.
UMW President, Peggy Chappell
Daniel Hass / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0
We had seven members and one guest who attended Spiritual Enrichment Experience at Lake Junaluska April 12-14. We enjoyed the beauty and peace at the lake and experienced a very inspiring retreat. It’s always great to go to the lake. Our next UMW meeting will be May 8th. Norma is in charge of the program. Lunch plans will be announced closer to meeting time. We will be making plans for UMW Sunday which will be on June 24th. Morgan Tompkins will be our guest speaker sharing her mission trip experiences.
The pancake supper was a success thanks to all of you who participated and to all the great help. Our next UMW meeting will be March 13th in the UMW room. This will be our Call to Prayer meeting and Judy White is in charge of the program. Lunch plans will be announced. New handbooks are ready thanks to Sandy and Elaine so don’t forget to pick yours up. March 17th is the Spring Mini-Retreat at Dublin UMC. Pat Farrell is the speaker. All are welcome to attend. Please let Peggy know if you want to go to this meeting.
We’re going back to Lake Junaluska April 12th for SEE. Please join us for this event.
UMW President, Peggy Chappell
The UMW would like to thank everyone who supported the Cookie Walk. Thank you to those who helped set up the event, made cookies, and donated their time. All of your helped made this a great event!
The knitting and sewing group will start meeting on January 4th at 10:30 a.m. for those who would like to join.
The UMW will be hosting a covered dish on January 7th following the 10:30 a.m. service in the fellowship hall. The UMW will provide meat, bread, and drinks. So bring your favorite side dish and join us!
We are looking forward to a very busy November. Our regular meeting will be on the 14th at 10:00 am. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall for our World Thank Offering program which will be presented by Earlene. Following the program we will have soup, sandwiches and dessert. All women are invited to attend. You don’t need to bring anything other than yourself. We will have a time of fellowship and food together.
The Angel Tree will be put up around the 17th of the month with gifts due back by December 10th. Many thanks in advance for the help you give in providing Christmas gifts for children in our area.
The Cookie Walk is scheduled for December 2. This is a church wide project. The money earned will be divided between a local mission and UMCOR disaster relief. We need everyone’s help in making cookies, helping put them out on trays December 1st and helping with the sale on the 2nd. Also be sure to buy some cookies for the holidays and tell all your neighbors and friends to come and buy, too. Sign-up sheets will be in the church and you can call Agnes Ritchie for more information.
Peggy Chappell, President
The UMW will meet on August 8 the at 10:00am with a guest speaker–Debbie Hill, our district social action coordinator. Followed by lunch at RJ’s. We hope to see you there.
On June 24th around 30 people attended our Wytheville District UMW Social Action event. Galax Police Chief Rick Clark and Kevin Kemp from Carroll County sheriff’s department presented very informative program on human trafficking and drugs in our area. Many thanks to them for giving of their time to be with us. Our next UMW meeting will be July 11th at 10:00 am in the UMW room. Pastor Richard will have the program and we will plan to have lunch at The Cafe in Fries following the meeting. Please make plans to attend.
Galax First United
Methodist Church
306 West Center Street
Galax, VA 24333
(Get Directions)
Phone: 276-236-9937
Sunday Services:
10:30 am