Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (November 5-November 11, 2023)

Let us pray for the gift of humility: Thank you, great God, for the privilege of serving you. Keep us from putting ourselves first. Make us humble and considerate, so that, like your Son, we can be of service to others. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.           […]

Sunday Reflection (October 29, 2023)

The concept of “holiness” in Leviticus is not about a solitary holy man or holy woman practicing an esoteric version of holiness that few achieve. Rather, it was about practicing holiness in community with others. When Jesus was questioned about the Greatest Commandment, he spliced two commands from the Torah. The first from Deuteronomy: “You […]

Prayer for the Week (October 29-November 4, 2023)

Prayer for the Week Let us pray that our love of God become real and tangible in love for our neighbor: God, you display your almighty power in loving us without regret. In Jesus your Son, you have shown us the depth of divine love. Give us a love that is forgiving, generous, and gentle […]