Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (May 9-May 15, 2021)

Let us ask our heavenly Father that we put no boundaries to love and compassion: God, you revealed divine love in all its depth when you sent your only Son into the world to confront and take away the sins of the world. Through Jesus who calls us his friends, may our love be strong […]

Sunday Reflection (May 9, 2021)

If we are friends with God, we will get a glimpse of God’s plans and intentions for the world.  I do not think it is about predicting the future with a timetable cleverly drawn from different texts in the Bible to prove the Lord is returning in the next few years. I am also convinced that it has nothing […]

Sunday Reflection (April 18, 2021)

Each person is given dignity because he/she is created in God’s image, and through the Holy Spirit we grow in divine likeness unto the Image of Christ, and “what we will be” not “who” will be revealed (1 John 2:28-3:3). Yet, what prevents this from developing in our lives as individuals and as Christ’s Church? […]

Sunday Reflection (April 4, 2021)

Why would anyone crucify Jesus the Christ? Do not be deceived: Not everyone wants relationships healed and good things to happen to others. Many in power and privilege like the way things are with little thought for those without power and position. May we not overlook indifference, because by our indifference we thwart the doing […]

Prayer for the Week (April 4-April 10, 2021)

Let us give thanks to the Father for he has brought us life and joy through Jesus, his risen Son. God of life and of love, we rejoice today that Jesus is risen and that you continue in us the work of resurrection that lifts us above our faults and mediocrity to joy and unselfish […]