Sunday Reflection (April14, 2024)

The Holy Spirit progressively produces within us and among us a likeness unto the character of Christ so that we live out the commandment of love, which characterizes both the present and future. I do not always find enacting love and compassion easy; thus, this appeal from First John (3:3): “Everyone having this hope [of beholding Christ face to face] purifies himself/herself as that one is pure, and that one who is pure is Jesus Christ.” The perfect and pure one accepts us in our imperfection and impurity, offering comfort and encouragement on our journey.  

The light of God’s love revealed in Christ purifies our hearts of hatred, malice, bigotry, and prejudice. The light of God’s love purifies our hearts from that which demeans another human being or a group of people. The light of God’s love purifies our hearts of that which leads us to overlook the injury we cause others. “Purification of the heart is a response to God’s love as we obey the commands of Christ” (Interpretation Commentary). This process of purification, fueled by love and compassion, gives us hope and motivates us to continue our journey.