Sunday Reflection (April 16, 2023)

Our testing and trials may not be as severe as those faced in this letter of 1 Peter, yet we all face testing and trials. First, we live in a world that counters the way of Christ, for example, our society places pride over humility; greed over sharing; self-concern over concern for others; warfare and bullying over consensus; power over fairness; injustice over justice, and hatred over love and concern. The way of Christ is vastly different from the ways of the world.

Second, things happen in life that make us wonder if God is faithful: Job loss, family issues, health issues, and so forth. Anything that makes living our faith and life more difficult, and in difficult times may we lean more upon Christ and our fellow Christians. In difficult times, we find out what we really believe to be true in life and who our friends are. When trials test the authenticity of your faith, do not give up, and know that your brothers and sisters in Christ stand with you.