Sunday Reflection (Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019)

Resurrection entails not only quantity but also a quality of life (1 Corinthians 15:19-26, 30-34, 56-58,49). Yet, we Christians have been indifferent to the structures of society that foster injustice. We have felt little sympathy for the plight of poor immigrants. On personal and social levels we have allowed prejudice to cloud our judgment and/or mistreatment of others. May we live life in such a manner to give the world a glimpse of the quality of resurrection-life.

May the resurrection of Jesus make a difference in the way we live our life, so that we have not the same hatreds, fears, and prejudices of those who know not God. May the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead empower us to we give others a glimpse of the inviting, forgiving and compassionate love of God.