Sunday Reflection (August 11, 2019)

Isaiah received a God-given vision about what their society could have been if they indeed had been willing and obedient (Isaiah 1:1, 11-17). Their rebellion against God’s command to care for the most vulnerable in society brought disastrous consequences. God does not overlook any society’s injustice toward its most vulnerable citizens, including our own! Jesus himself talks about judging the nations based upon their treatment of their society’s most vulnerable. Tradition has it that Isaiah was sawn into by the evil King Manasseh, and we know what happened to Jesus.

We have not arrived and we know we can do better. Until we reach the “other side,” God gives us the grace to be willing and obedient in order to set things right so that the present and future can be different (Isaiah 1:18-20). This fosters hope for a better world, both today and tomorrow.