Sunday Reflection (December 17, 2023)

Our Good News Reading (John 1:6-9) tells us about John the Baptist who bore witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ, which is where we find ourselves: Bearing witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. This third Sunday of Advent is the Sunday of joy. We have joy because we have heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. We “bear witness” to the light that has come into the world in Jesus Christ when we proclaim and enflesh good news to the poor, brokenhearted, and prisoners (Isaiah 61).
Why is that which Isaiah envisioned, John proclaimed, and Christ enfleshed not more fully evident today? Perhaps we think it is too difficult and complicated; however, God fills us with the Holy Spirit to “bear witness to the light.” God fills us with the Holy Spirit to proclaim and enflesh good news to others. With God’s help, we plant seeds in the world. May we do our part and plant seeds that ultimately produce peace, love, joy, and harmony. What news do you bring to our world about God?