Sunday Reflection (December 5, 2021)

Does the Word of God come through pundits Fox or CNBC
or MSNBC or CNN? Does the Word of God come through
politicians who love to manipulate religious faith for their
own benefit? Through whom does the Word of God come?
The Gospel of Luke (3:1-3) has a list of the most widely
recognized names of those days, but the Word of God did not
come through any of the powerful and influential. Rather,
God’s word came through an eccentric prophet who lived
in the wilderness, and ate grasshoppers dipped in honey.
That was even strange for those days. We call him
John the Baptist.
God’s word comes through us when we bear witness
to God’s Word in Jesus Christ in word and deed. God’s
Word works through us to prepare the way of the Lord,
and I do not mean stocking our basements with assault
weapons and massive amounts of food. Rather, it is us
attending to our own sins. What is it that God wants you
to straighten in your life? What crooked roads of society
can you influence to straighten out? What roads can we
build to bring hope to life? As a response to God coming
to us in Jesus Christ, may our way of life demonstrate
God’s love and compassion.