Sunday Reflection (January 21, 2024)

Reflection upon Nathaniel’s encounter with Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ in John 1:41-51, have your views of God, the Christ, the world, and others changed? Have your hatreds been addressed? Have your prejudices been challenged? Has your lack of compassion been noticed?  Have your simplistic answers given way to a deeper understanding? I ask myself these same questions. In what ways has following Christ changed and challenged your life?
One aspect of a broader view is revealed in this person’s story: “When I understood that the words ‘love your enemies’ actually mean what they say, my whole understanding of Christ’s teaching suddenly changed.  I was appalled at the peculiar way I had understood it until then. I know that all people everywhere are my brothers and sisters, yet the enmity between nations has caused untold evil and suffering. I must expose patriotism which puts the love of country above the love of humanity as a monstrous fraud.  We are all children of the loving Father” (Leo Tolstoy as quoted in 366 Readings from Christianity). May God broaden our view of the world and others in merciful, kind, and loving ways.