Sunday Reflection (January 29, 2023)

God is concerned about the abuse of vulnerable people by people who wield power, be it in business, government, or religion (Micah 6:1-8). To “do justice” is to set things right in society with an eye toward the most vulnerable. “To love kindness” is to have loving kindness and compassion flowing from us to others, just as God’s loving kindness flows with us. This “kindness” maintains a loyal commitment to God and others that goes beyond the basic legal requirements. Love is the motivating factor; not fear, coercion, or manipulation.
As Christians, part of “walking humbly” is to be open to being taught by the Holy Spirit in the way of Christ. It is having an awareness of God’s presence and guidance throughout our earthly journey. May we be wary of putting on a show of worship while neglecting basic everyday issues that make life compassionate and loving be it in personal relations or political relations or how we construct society.