Sunday Reflection (May 28, 2023)

We are becoming a Christ Community that reflects God’s love to the world, and this is not any love, but God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ. We are empowered and enlivened by the Holy Spirit who unites us for the purpose of the building up of Christ’s Church so that we represent Christ to the world (1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-14). Each distinct person in Christ’s Church is united by the Holy Spirit into the one universal Church. Each distinct local Church is united by the Holy Spirit into the one universal Church. This is what we mean when we affirm the holy, “catholic” Church in the Apostles Creed.
The Holy Spirit has joined us together for the common good. I challenge you to explore and activate the talents God has given you to share in Christ’s Church. This can be anything from cleaning the kitchen effectively to teaching a class effectively to talking to others about God’s love effectively. Christ’s Church is being built by many different people coming together in the bond of love to share God’s love with the world. May we share our talents in building the ministry of Christ’s Church. You have a place here at First UMC or wherever you attend. We all have a place in the one universal Church.