Sunday Reflection (May 31, 2020)

The Holy Spirit has joined us together to bear witness to God’s love in the world as it was revealed in Jesus Christ. We cannot do this alone: We need each other in the body of Christ, and each one of you has a place in this mission of Christ’s Church (1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-14). I challenge you not to leave the work of Christ’s Church to its ministers or other Church members. I challenge you to explore and activate the talents God has given you to share in Christ’s Church.

If you are not attending or have a connection with a local congregation of Christ’s Church, I encourage you to do so. Each congregation has a place in the one, universal Church, and each of you has a place in a local congregation of Christ’s Church. Each congregation is equally important and equally needed in Christ’s Church. Each individual is equally important and equally needed in Christ’s Church.