Sunday Reflection (October 17, 2021)

What is it to which you give your allegiance? Is it God?
Even the disciples were mistaken about what obeying
God meant (Mark 10:35-45). The domination
and manipulation of others has no place in following
Christ. Rather, followers of Christ express power
and greatness through patient, long-suffering service
which may bring about suffering for choosing to do
the right thing out of kindness and love. 

In spite of James and John’s misunderstanding, Jesus
did not rebuke them or punish them; rather, Jesus accepted
them as they were and firmly pointed them in a new direction.
God accepts us and firmly points us in a new direction of learning
obedience (Hebrews 5:8-9). May we follow and learn to extend
grace and kindness as a response to our love for God and others.