“The Empty Egg.”

“But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid: I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified He is not here, for he has been raised, as he said. Come see the place where he lay.” [Matthew 28:5-6 N.R.S.V.]

Jeremy was born with a twisted body, slow mind and a chronic, terminal illness that had been slowly taking his young life. Still, his parents had tried to give him as normal a life as possible. This meant sending him to the local St. Teresa’s Elementary School. At age twelve Jeremy was only in the second grade and his teacher Miss Miller often became exasperated when Jeremy seemed to not be able to grasp the lessons no matter how many times she explained them.

One Day Miss Miller called Jeremy’s parents in for a consultation. She suggested to them that they send Jeremy to a special school. With tears in her eyes, Jeremy’s mother explained that there was not a school equipped to handle Jeremy’s needs in the area and that it would upset Jeremy tremendously to have to change schools. After the consultation Miss Miller decided that no matter how hard her life was, she did not have half as many troubles as Jeremy and his family and resolved to be more patient and understanding.

As the year progressed Spring came and Easter was approaching. Miss Miller had told the story of Jesus death and resurrection to her class and came up with a special project. She gave each of the children an empty plastic egg and told them to fill it with something that represented the true meaning of Easter. As Miss Miller opened each egg she commented on the contents: whether it was a flower, a butterfly or a sprig of grass, Miss Miller commented on how each of these things showed new life as we have in Christ Jesus. When she opened the last egg it was empty. She remembered that she had not called Jeremy’s parents and explained the assignment. As she sat there, Jeremy said: “Aren’t you going to talk about my egg?” Miss Miller stated: “But Jeremy your egg is empty!” Jeremy looked into her eyes and said softly, “Yes. But Jesus’ tomb was empty too!” Time stopped. Miss Miller asked Jeremy if he knew why the tomb was empty. He said: “Oh yes! Jesus died on the cross for our sins then His Father raised him up.” When the children were at recess Miss Miller cried knowing that Jeremy had truly learned the most important lesson of all. JESUS SAVES!!!
