“Walking With Jesus” [Read Luke 24:13-32]
Luke records an interesting story in the 24th chapter of his gospel about two disciples who were on their way to the village of Emmaus. This was just after Jesus had been crucified and they were still confused and sad over the events that had happened. I imagine they had based their acceptance of Jesus on the fact that he was the Promised Messiah. Yet now, for them, he was gone. They were defeated.
Then Jesus walked with them. The interesting thing about this text is that they failed to recognize him. Jesus walked with them, he talked with them, he explained the scriptures to them, and still they did not know who Jesus was.
Many times we are really the same way. Jesus promises never to leave us alone. He walks with us, and if we will listen, Jesus talks with us as well. All we need to do is look around and we see the love of God everywhere. Yet we fail to recognize Jesus when we encounter him.
However, this story ends on a high note. Jesus shares a meal with these disciples. In the breaking of the bread they are able to recognize who Jesus was. Then they remembered how their hearts had been warmed when he shared the scriptures with them as they walked along together.
If you are failing to see Jesus, if you think you are traveling the road of life alone, may I suggest that this Easter Season you do what these disciples did. Join us for worship where we share the scriptures together. When we have a church dinner, join us when we break bread together. Join us at Holy Communion where the Bread of Life is shared together. Those disciples felt their hearts burn within them when they realized they had been with Jesus. Worship can still do that for you today. Join us and see for yourself!