Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (February 26, 2023-March 4, 2023)

Let us pray that we be transformed during Lenten Season:  God our Father, in the desert your Son Jesus struggled forty days with the demands of his mission and he overcame all temptations. In these forty days of Lenten Season transform us. Turn our hearts to the peace of your forgiveness, the light of your […]

Sunday Reflection (February 12, 2023)

On a grand scale, every congregation of Christ’s Church is in ministry together (1 Corinthians 3:1-9).  We tell the story of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to make a difference for the good in our local areas through deeds of kindness, charity, and compassion, as well […]

Sunday Reflection (February 5, 2023)

Insights, whether divine or not, put events, connections, and situations in a broader perspective. For some Corinthian Christians and us, the spectacle of a shamefully crucified Messiah does not fit our concept of strength and power (1 Corinthians 2:1-15). Nevertheless, Paul noted that he had the mind of Christ and he connected it with Christ […]