Life Line Screening – 09/01/2017

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, is pleased to offer a preventive health event at Galax First United Methodist Church on 9/1/2017.  Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount).  All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete.  There are three ways to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call toll-free 1-888-653-6441 or visit or text the word circle to 797979.



WHEN: August 27th
TIME: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

FUMC Room 109


Join us for crafts, snack, and the story of David & Goliath!

UMW News August 2017

The UMW will meet on August 8 the at 10:00am with a guest speaker–Debbie Hill, our district social action coordinator.  Followed by lunch at RJ’s.  We hope to see you there.

UMW News July 2017

On June 24th around 30 people attended our Wytheville District UMW Social Action event. Galax Police Chief Rick Clark and Kevin Kemp from Carroll County sheriff’s department presented very informative program on human trafficking and drugs in our area. Many thanks to them for giving of their time to be with us. Our next UMW meeting will be July 11th at 10:00 am in the UMW room. Pastor Richard will have the program and we will plan to have lunch at The Cafe in Fries following the meeting. Please make plans to attend.

Change to Worship Service & Sunday School Time

On May 25th the Administrative Board approved the consolidation of our Sunday Worship Services to one in an effort to bring us closer as a congregation. Starting July 2nd Sunday School will be at 9:30 and Worship Services will start at 10:30.


Mt. Olivet UMC has invited our church to join them in providing a one day Bible School on Saturday, July 15 from 10-2 at our church for the children in downtown Galax. Of course our children will be invited to attend. It will be advertised at GOD’S STOREHOUSE. Mt. Olivet has been working with the children there on Monday night since before Christmas.

If you are willing to volunteer to help in any way please let me or one of the children’s committee members know. You will be hearing more about this special event as we find out. Mt. Olivet has the materials but we do have to work out the details. Please keep this upcoming event in your prayers. All children need to know the love Jesus has to offer them.

“Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God
belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

UMW News – May 2017

Our next UMW meeting will be May 9th at 10:00 am in the UMW room. Norma Haynes has the program. Lunch plans will be announced later. Please plan to attend. We will be leaving for Lake Junaluska on May 18th for Holston UMW Spiritual Enrichment Experience. There is still time for you to make plans to join us on this trip. If you have never been to “the lake”, now is the time to go as this is the last UMW event to be held there. Future events are being planned in the area of Pigeon Forge, TN.

Memorial/Honorariums Can Be Made to Following Groups

Memorial/Honorariums Can Be Made to Following Groups:

  • Health & Welfare
  • Kid’s Junction
  • United Methodist Women
  • Prayer Shawl (Knitting) Ministry
  • Adult Counsel
  • Youth Group
  • Children’s Group
  • Camperships
  • Sanctuary Choir
  • Special Restoration Project-(ex. Parlor Restoration, but please contact the church office to inquire about active projects or with any questions you have)

Children’s Ministry News – May 2017

We are thankful to God for working through our church to serve children in our area.
The Children’s committee would like to let you know that our Easter event was definitely a success. There were 17 children!!! YAY! The activities included the story about Jesus riding the donkey through the street on Palm Sunday, a parade with the children shouting and waving palm branches, an egg hunt, petting live bunnies, the Easter story and refreshments.
We also had lots of good help from our youth and our committee members. We would like to thank the youth for hiding the eggs, Jolene for bringing 3 of her live rabbits, and our church family for prayers and contributions. Because of all the contributions made by so many we sent the children home with plastic eggs filled with candy but also A LOT MORE!

Please join us for our CHILDREN’S EASTER EVENT

Please join us for our CHILDREN’S EASTER EVENT
Egg Hunt

Bring a friend-rain or shine.
We will meet in FELLOWSHIP HALL downstairs.

Any questions call: 233-7841 OR 236-6008

If anyone would like to donate covered candy, stickers or small toys to be placed in eggs there is a box in the annex area by April 5th. Thank you for helping make this an enjoyable event for the children!